About Me

I have been more than 7 years in digital marketing industries, and Have worked on more than 30+ projects and trainer more than 5000 students in digital marketing.”

Rinku monga digital marketing trainer

About Me

Digital Marketing expert and enthusiast. Have a passion to assist and grow businesses through digital strategies. A digital trainer and consultant with more than 7 year+ of experience

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Years of Experience
Awards & Honors

I have been more than 7 years in digital marketing industries, and have help more than 240 companies to grow their business.

As Featured In:

My Experience

My journey as a digital marketer has been nothing short of exhilarating. Over the years, I have had the privilege of working on numerous campaigns, collaborating with talented teams, and witnessing the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing. Here, I share some of the most memorable experiences from my career as a digital marketer.


Senior Digital Marketing Trainer + Team Leader

in IElevate Institute


Senior Digital Marketing

in YNB Healthcare PVT LTD


Digital Marketing Trainer

in DigiSagar Pvt Ltd


Digital Marketer

in Rebel Rising Edutech Pvt Ltd

What People Say

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Sem ornare lacinia cras eu luctus diam consectetur sagittis maecenas sit et sed aliquet placerat interdum mattis elit laoreet sit tellus mauris.
Oliver Goodman
Est ipsum iaculis pellentesque massa gravida sed massa sollicitudin vulputate morbi augue morbi purus dolor aenean.
Emma Stone
Sed ultrices ipsum tortor sed diam volutpat in arcu sed turpis senectus mauris, egestas dignissim nec, vulputate ultrices aliquam risus imperdiet risus, non sagittis
Nathalie Moore
Sagittis ullamcorper est luctus tellus, lacus consectetur sed adipiscing in diam magna id lacinia at maecenas sed vitae porttitor sagittis sit morbi in pharetra, porta scelerisque.
Luiz Enrique